Eastman AR372ce £1,050
I have owned the iconic Gibson L-4 CES, my favourite guitar ever and those of you who know, will understand why L-4 and L-5 CES's are seen as the grandaddy to the Gibson ES range. By the way the L-4, like me, is fatter and provides a great acoustic only sound (unlike me)
Anyway, after selling the Gibson L-4, I regretted it but challenged myself to find a credible alternative and after trying a number of big name brands including some fake Gibsons, I stumbled on the Eastman AR372CE.
A bit of research on the web quickly told me that the Eastman is a highly regarded Custom shop based in China that are known in the jazz world as producing a Gibson experience for less than a quarter of the price
There are two versions, the AR371 is the single pickup version so do yourself a favour and look them up.
This guitar has been setup and restrung by Mark Hards at the Eastbourne Guitar Workshop prior to sale
This is a very high spec guitar you will be proud to own